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How to wash the glass


Nowadays, there are various glasses in our lives. They are transparent and beautiful, and they are versatile. They can be used for drinking tea, beverages, and boiling water. Some people find it troublesome and may not pay so much attention to their cleaning work, but this is not right, so how can they be cleaned?

When cleaning the glass, not only the mouth and body, but also the bottom and wall of the glass should not be ignored. Especially the bottom of the cup, which is not often cleaned, may precipitate a lot of bacteria and impurities. Female friends are especially reminded that lipstick not only contains chemical ingredients, but also easily absorbs harmful substances and pathogens in the air. When drinking water, harmful substances will be brought into the body. Therefore, the lipstick remaining on the mouth of the cup must be cleaned. It is easy to clean the cup with water Rinse is not enough, try to use a brush.

In addition, since the important component of detergent is a chemical synthetic agent, it should be used with caution and should be rinsed with clean water. If you want to clean a cup with a lot of greasy, dirt or tea stains, you can squeeze toothpaste on the brush and rub it back and forth in the cup. Since the toothpaste contains both a detergent and a very fine friction agent, it is easy to wipe off the residual material without damaging the cup.

In addition, when drinking water from a glass cup in an office environment, because the cup is affected by static electricity such as computers and cabinets, it will absorb more dust and bacteria, which will affect your health over time. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to lid lids at all times.